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Young couple in the bedroom, lying in bed on the wooden pillows by Unusually Usual


the Wooden Pillow Support and Comfort

Having the right bed pillow is not only comforting, it plays an important role in supporting the intricate structures of the head, neck, shoulders, hips, and spine. When used well, wooden pillow helps in alleviating or preventing many common forms of back and neck pain, as well as shoulders, hip, and other forms of joint pain.

Wooden Pillow serves to keep the upper body in alignment during sleep, relieving pressure and counterbalancing the points in the body. The wooden pillow should adjust to fit one's unique shape, curves, and sleeping position and alleviate any pressure points.

Healthy sleep is preserved wealth
The only journey is the journey within
need healthY SLEEP support
The young lady suffering depression sitting on the bad

Sleep affects mental and physical health in probably hundreds of ways. What really allows us to beat ourselves up through a day, come back and do so again the next day is our ability to recover. And sleep plays a huge role in that process. We know that because during certain aspects of sleep, we are entering into the stages that allow us to produce chemicals like growth hormone.

That growth hormone is everything in terms of maintaining our vigor, youthfulness, and health. We know that there are direct correlations and ties between our sleep quality and quantity as well as our likelihood of getting sick. We've always known it I think it's much more recently, in medical history, that we've been able to understand why. Oh, of course, because when we sleep poorly or we sleep-deprived, these certain immune modulators become less available to us. So they don't work as well.

When we're not giving ourselves what we need, we're diminishing ourselves by a fraction every day. Over time, that bad quality of those things add up and really impact our health and performance in truly spectacularly negative ways. Ask a doctor, any doctor, who spent four years in medical school, who spent three years in theirs internship residency, - how many hours did you spend talking about sleep?

Of the seven top complaints that patients have for doctors, excessive sleepiness fatigue are two of the top seven complaints. And so we do know that, in addition to it making people recover faster, healthy sleep actually helps to prevent the injuries and illnesses as well too, which is really interesting.

W. CHRISTOPHER WINTER, defines https://www.webmd.com/sleep-disorders/video/sleep-recovery-relationship

You have to remember is that people who sleep well, heal well. And that's a very important factor that people have to understand, especially in hospital settings, Uh, or even at home, if you're not feeling well, sleep is actually a healing mechanism. And you need to allow your body to have a little extra if it needs it.

Important note: 
If you have any allergies, strictly avoid all kind of down pillows!

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Getting Healthy Sleep
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Image of the sleeping specialist, Michael Breus, PhD
Getting Healthy Sleep
So many factors can affect your quality of sleep, from when you eat dinner to blue light from screens.
Suggestions for improving sleep

There are several strategies for helping you avoid behaviors that get in the way of good sleep. You can develop good sleep habits by practicing some of the following:

Getting comfortable: Make sure your mattress and pillows are comfortable and in good shape

While you’re at it, remember to change your pillow every 18 months or so. Those pillow protectors can be a good barrier, but pillows still hold lots of allergy triggers like mold and dust mites. Using the wooden pillow by Unusually Usual you can avoid such troubles

Collective wellbeing is
connected through the ages

The wooden pillow of St.Teresa of Avila
Image of St.Teresa's cell
The wooden pillow of St. Teresa of Avila
Getting regular, quality slumber allows your body and mind to recharge.
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Benefits of a Good Night’s Sleep
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Image of the sleeping specialist, Michael Breus, PhD
Benefits of a Good Night’s Sleep

Getting regular, quality slumber allows your body and mind to recharge.

How Better Sleep Can Help Weight Loss?

What we know now is some great studies have been done within the last two years about the relationship between sleep and weight loss and weight gain. There are two hormones in particular, one called leptin and the other is called ghrelin that have specific amount to do with appetite. I can never get, keep the two straight, so the way I remember it is the ghrelin is the go hormone and leptin is the stop hormone. So what happens when you're sleep deprived, you have too much ghrelin, too much go in you, which is telling you to eat, and not enough stop in you, which is telling you when you're full. So you end up overeating or eating more than you really need to when you're sleep deprived, so it can cause weight gain. Another thing we know about sleep deprivation is that your metabolism slows down. Well, if you have a slow metabolism, you're not burning fuel efficiently, so it's going into fat storage and fat deposits, and again, causing more weight gain. We also know with sleep deprivation, we have increased levels of cortisol. Well, that can be another problem which causes more appetite. Here's the most fascinating part about the research I think. All those other things aside, when you're sleep deprived, if I was to lay out a healthy snack for you, or a very non healthy, sugary snack for you, you'd gun for the sugary food. You would go for the less healthy food, so your food choice is even affected by sleep deprivation, Michael Breus, PhD Sleeping specialist is telling us https://www.webmd.com/sleep-disorders/video/sleep-weight-loss

How Better Sleep Can Help Weight Loss?
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Image of the sleeping specialist, Michael Breus, PhD
Michael Breus, PhD Sleep Specialist, USA
mind your Sleep
mind your Sleep
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